What is Zoom Teeth Whitening?

Dentist in Kalamazoo, MI

What is Zoom Teeth Whitening?

Zoom teeth whitening is a process where our dentist will apply a unique whitening gel to your teeth. It is a procedure completed in the dental office.  In the first part of the procedure, your gums will be protected with an isolation material.  After application of the whitening product, a specialized LED light is applied to activate the whitening gel that aids with removing stains. 

It generally takes 15 minutes for the whitening gel to take effect, but your appointment might be divided into three 15-minute whitening sessions depending on how drastically your teeth are discolored and if sensitivity develops. 

Visit Our Cosmetic Dentist

If you have ever felt self-conscious about tooth discoloration, you owe it to yourself to speak with our cosmetic dentist. They will be able to tell you if you are a candidate for Zoom teeth whitening.

While most people qualify for Zoom whitening, our dentist will evaluate if there are cavities, gum disease, or generalized sensitivity. It is important that the mouth is healthy prior to consideration of professional teeth whitening techniques. 

The Procedure

First, our dentist and/or one of the trained dental team members will cover your lips and gums to protect them from the whitening gel. Once your mouth is ready, the Zoom whitening gel will be applied to your teeth and activated with our WhiteSpeed blue LED lamp. 

The whitening gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which oxidizes under the LED light and lifts tooth stains. The Zoom whitening procedure takes about 60 minutes but is broken up into three 15 minute sessions. After each session, more whitening gel will be added to your teeth before the LED light is turned back on. How many sessions a person requires depends on the amount of discoloration present and the patient’s sensitivity level. 

During the sessions, you may feel free to relax or listen to music to pass the time. After you have completed the whitening application, a special gel is applied to your teeth to reduce sensitivity.

During the teeth whitening procedure, you may experience sensitivity. If sensitivity occurs, it is temporary and improves with time. 

If you experience discomfort during Zoom whitening, please do not hesitate to alert our dentist or dental assistants. You have the option to stop the procedure at any time. 

The Follow-Up

After your appointment, you will be given a kit that contains custom teeth whitening trays. The teeth whitening trays are for you to use at home so you can maintain your white smile. 

Our dentist will also ask you to stay away from smoking or having foods and beverages that can stain your teeth, such as coffee and red wine. 

Teeth whitening is not permanent. Therefore it’s important you take good care of your smile. Continue brushing your teeth twice a day and floss once daily to remove plaque. It’s still important to come in twice a year, every six months for your teeth cleaning and oral exam. You want your smile to not only look good but also feel good. 

Ready for an Appointment?

Our teeth whitening dentist in Kalamazoo, MI is accepting new patients! To request an appointment with Gentle Dentistry, call (269) 381-3890.

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Our dental office offers Zoom teeth whitening to help you work towards a smile you love. Please contact our Kalamazoo, MI office to talk about your options for whiter teeth.

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